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05-18-11Administrative Committee
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Last Updated: 2011/5/23

The Administration Committee of the Legislative Council held a meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2011, in the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Present:  Chair Gary Davis, Mary Ann Jacob, George Ferguson, Jan Andras

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.


No one spoke during public participation.


The Committee minutes from the meeting on April 20, 2011, were approved unanimously. Mr. Ferguson moved approval of the minutes and the motion was seconded by Mrs. Jacob.


Propose Changes to the Rules of the Legislative Council:  The Committee reviewed an update of the proposed changes to the current rules of the Legislative Council discussed at the last meeting.

The most comment from the Committee was generated over proposed changes to (1) record keeping, (2) the current committee structure, (3) how voter participation is conducted, (4) voting by proxy, and (5) the new section on communication guidelines.

Mr. Ferguson raised the issue of how audio and video recordings of Legislative Council meetings are kept.  The Committee generally agreed that the maintenance of audio and video records should be noted along with printed records in Section A1-2, D.  Mr. Davis said he would contact the appropriate parties to learn how these records are being kept.  With the Committee’s concurrence, he said he would add a sentence to the recommendations addressing this before the recommendations were forwarded to the Council for consideration.

On the recommendation to reduce the number of Council committee’s from six to four, Mr. Ferguson reiterated his position that smaller committees with more focused responsibilities were his preference.  Mrs. Jacob and Mr. Davis countered that merging Administration with Finance and merging the Public Works/Recreation and Public Safety committees into a Municipal Operations Committee would streamline the committee process, reduce the number of meetings individual council members had to attend and would provide the committees a broader mandate that might make them more active and vital.

In discussing proposed changes to how voter participation is conducted, Mrs. Jacob said she favored maintaining the current practice of limiting public comment to items on the Council agenda. Mr. Davis said he preferred to let members of the public speak on any issue under the Council’s purview, but limiting all comments to three minutes to keep the meetings moving efficiently.  Mr. Ferguson and Mrs. Andras both liked the idea of limiting the length of time for each member of the public who speaks.  It was noted that the Chair would retain discretion as to how long each individual might speak, and whether the public participation session at a Council meeting might last beyond the 30- minute limit noted in the Council regulations.

The Committee members supported the change allowing Council members who cannot physically attend a meeting to participate by telephone or other electronic means that allow for two-way communication.

The Committee generally was in agreement with changes to the new section suggested by Chair Capeci on how Council members should identify themselves when communicating with others.  However, they thought the section, as currently proposed, was too long.  The Committee members concurred with a suggestion from Mrs. Jacob to remove the first two paragraphs and modifying the third paragraph to read “When communicating with others on local government matters that are within the purview of the Council, a member shall:…”

Upon completing review of the proposed modifications to the Council regulations, Mr. Davis asked the Committee if it needed to see another version before taking action.  The Committee members felt that with the changes made at the meeting, the recommended modifications were ready to present to the Council for discussion.  Mr. Davis asked if any specific modifications needed a roll call vote.  The Committee members said they were supportive of the changes as discussed, noting that there would be opportunities during the Council’s review to discuss any individual reservations with some of the proposed changes.

Mr. Davis moved that all the changes identified by the Administration Committee as modifications to Legislative Council regulations be moved to the Council for discussion.
Mr. Ferguson seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

The Committee discussed timing for its next meeting, at which it would discuss how it might proceed with its final objective to work with appropriate town agencies to review what additional resources and processes may be necessary to assist the town in obtaining additional funding from grants sources.  It was agreed a meeting would be held on June 15 prior to the regularly scheduled Council meeting.


No one spoke during public participation.


Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.  Mr. Ferguson moved that the meeting be adjourned, and Mrs. Andres seconded the motion.   The vote was unanimous.

Submitted by Gary Davis

* Minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.